Tuesday, September 24, 2013

He's watching me do THAT???

Some facts about God just blow me away.  I’ve always known that God is everywhere, even in the smallest details.  As a kid I learned that He’s watching me and taking care of me and that He wants what’s best for me.  

Recently I had an awesome and somewhat frightening little “a-ha!” moment about God and his everywhere-ness.  It happened while I was serving Lew (husband) by doing something deeply personal and intimate (I think you can guess) that he deeply desires and loves. 

While I was busy serving my hubby the Holy Spirit got a hold of me and whispered in my ear, “Your husband is well pleased with you, and so is your Heavenly Father.” 

Wow!  I never really stopped to think about it, but it’s true.  When the hubby and I are naked and unashamed, God is there.  When we’re naked and one of us is ashamed (mostly me), He is there.  When I dive in and explore sex with abandon, He is there.  When I rationalize all the reasons not  to release myself to sexual abandon, He is there. 

I’ve blogged previously about God’s whereabouts and that He’s always watching and always with us, but this dimension adds a bit more depth to my understanding of exactly how involved God is in our lives. 

Everything I do and every excuse I have, God is either pleased or displeased with me. 

What about you?  Is God please with the details of your life?  Your marriage?  Your thoughts and excuses? 

Does He like the level of intimacy you’ve built with your husband? 

If not, what are you going to do about it?

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