This is part 5 of 5 in my series The Five Senses of Being His Wife.
What does the sweat on his cheek taste like? Or his tears after he hears some devastating news? How do his kisses taste when he first hops into bed? Have you given him this part of you? Why are you holding back?
Intimacy - true intimacy - must be just that. Intimate. Lew (husband) is not the kind who will go around demanding that I taste his feet. Ahhh, but when I decide to kiss my way down his leg and pay attention to his feet, tasting each toe, nibbling his ankles, he becomes a different man. When I taste his neck, his belly, his thighs, his penis ... I get from him a more intimate husband. He wants to open up to me more and more. He is more grateful, more loving.
I believe God designed him that way. I believe we as wives are meant to love our husbands with everything we've got. All five of our senses.
"Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing." Ephesians 5:24
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
... to love their husbands ....
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
(Titus 2:4-5)
When Paul wrote this letter to Titus I'm sure he was specifically addressing the little old ladies of the church when he wrote the above verses. Those ladies didn't have any hang ups when it came to talking about marriage, submission, or sex.
They were instructed to teach the younger women how to love their husbands and children, to be keepers of their homes, and to obey (yes, O-B-E-Y) their husbands.
My eyes were opened a while ago when Lew (husband) let me know that I was falling short in some areas. That's when I went openly and honestly to my Titus 2 lady - a woman who isn't ashamed to talk to me in plain language about any thing (and I mean anything).
But as I keep considering the verses in Titus 2, I keep coming back to this thought:
To whom will I give such advice?
The answer came to me recently in a most frightening and eye-opening way.
Lew (husband) had been getting all lovey-dovey for a few days, and had tried several times to get me to go upstairs with him (*wink, wink*). I kept putting him off, saying that I couldn't spend time with him because there was just too much work to do. I had to finish the washing the dishes and vacuuming the carpets. Then there was still laundry to be folded and emails to check.
One of the girls said to him, "Yeah, Dad. Get in line. There's more important stuff than you, ya know!"
... oh, dear ...
That is how I have taught the younger women (my own girls) to love their husbands.
I've shown them (quite well, in fact) that husbands ...
These are the things this Titus 2 woman has taught the younger women (my own daughters) about how to love their husbands. Just by watching their mother, my girls have picked up on my attitude toward Lew, and my rebellion against God. And because their mother lives her life this way they believe it is the right thing to do.
... oh, dear ...
I have a lot of work to do and a lot of forgiveness to ask for.
(Titus 2:4-5)
When Paul wrote this letter to Titus I'm sure he was specifically addressing the little old ladies of the church when he wrote the above verses. Those ladies didn't have any hang ups when it came to talking about marriage, submission, or sex.
They were instructed to teach the younger women how to love their husbands and children, to be keepers of their homes, and to obey (yes, O-B-E-Y) their husbands.
My eyes were opened a while ago when Lew (husband) let me know that I was falling short in some areas. That's when I went openly and honestly to my Titus 2 lady - a woman who isn't ashamed to talk to me in plain language about any thing (and I mean anything).
But as I keep considering the verses in Titus 2, I keep coming back to this thought:
To whom will I give such advice?
The answer came to me recently in a most frightening and eye-opening way.
Lew (husband) had been getting all lovey-dovey for a few days, and had tried several times to get me to go upstairs with him (*wink, wink*). I kept putting him off, saying that I couldn't spend time with him because there was just too much work to do. I had to finish the washing the dishes and vacuuming the carpets. Then there was still laundry to be folded and emails to check.
One of the girls said to him, "Yeah, Dad. Get in line. There's more important stuff than you, ya know!"
... oh, dear ...
That is how I have taught the younger women (my own girls) to love their husbands.
I've shown them (quite well, in fact) that husbands ...
- are a low priority (lower on the the list than almost everything else).
- shouldn't expect their wives to do anything for them.
- should be okay with waiting a long, long time for sex.
- are just children who must be controlled by their wives.
- must do all the work around the house that their wives don't feel like doing.
- should lead their families the way their wives see fit.
- must never do anything their wives disagree with.
- must put up with tantrums whenever their wives are unhappy.
These are the things this Titus 2 woman has taught the younger women (my own daughters) about how to love their husbands. Just by watching their mother, my girls have picked up on my attitude toward Lew, and my rebellion against God. And because their mother lives her life this way they believe it is the right thing to do.
... oh, dear ...
I have a lot of work to do and a lot of forgiveness to ask for.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
The Five Senses of Being His Wife: Touch
This is part 4 in a series about the five senses of loving our husbands.
I don't know about you, but when Lew (husband) touches me it still sends me into orbit. So much so that I sometimes find it hard to concentrate. Of course some areas are much more sensitive than others. For example, when he touches the nape of my neck or strokes my cheek I go crazy and want to take him straight to bed.
It reminds me of how much my hubby loves to be touched. Of the five love languages, physical touch is his number one. And I don't mean just a touch on his shirt sleeve. I'm talking skin-to-skin contact. He likes me to touch his arm (his actual arm). He wants me to massage his back. This is how he most feels loved; reverenced.
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. (Ephesians 5:33)
So I reverence my husband in the way I touch him? Do I treat his body as a wondrous gift from God? A gift that should be revered by me rather than pushed away? Do I touch him the way he wants to be touched or do I touch him only in ways I want to touch him?
I'm afraid I'm often guilty of the latter. I really must get my act together and learn to love my husband the way my husband requires.
I don't know about you, but when Lew (husband) touches me it still sends me into orbit. So much so that I sometimes find it hard to concentrate. Of course some areas are much more sensitive than others. For example, when he touches the nape of my neck or strokes my cheek I go crazy and want to take him straight to bed.
It reminds me of how much my hubby loves to be touched. Of the five love languages, physical touch is his number one. And I don't mean just a touch on his shirt sleeve. I'm talking skin-to-skin contact. He likes me to touch his arm (his actual arm). He wants me to massage his back. This is how he most feels loved; reverenced.
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. (Ephesians 5:33)
So I reverence my husband in the way I touch him? Do I treat his body as a wondrous gift from God? A gift that should be revered by me rather than pushed away? Do I touch him the way he wants to be touched or do I touch him only in ways I want to touch him?
I'm afraid I'm often guilty of the latter. I really must get my act together and learn to love my husband the way my husband requires.
Friday, November 15, 2013
The Five Senses of Being His Wife: Smell
If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? (1 Corinthians 12:17)
What is your husband's scent? I don't mean cologne or aftershave, but what is his natural scent? Are you familiar with it?
When animals choose a mate in the wild, they do so partly by scent. One reason for this is so that if anything should happen to any of their other senses they will be able to identify safety in the scent of their mate.
What does your husband's ear smell like? What about his hands? His neck? His stomach? Feet? Penis? Do you ever take a deep breath and soak in the aroma of his hair? It's unique to him and only him. He should know your scent as well.
On another note (and to get away from bodily aroma for a moment), is there a scent that hubby enjoys? Are there ways you can be a better wife by using these scents? Does he like the scent of fresh baked pie? Does he go wild for a certain perfume? What areas of your body does he tend to smell? Does he ever breathe deeply and take in all the aromas of you?
I believe God created us to love our husbands with our full beings, and that includes our noses. We are naturally sensitive to certain aromas and are attracted to our husbands partly because of the way they smell.
Make sure you know the scent of your man. Breathe it in. Appreciate it. When he's gone, you'll wish you could hold on to it (and him) forever.
What is your husband's scent? I don't mean cologne or aftershave, but what is his natural scent? Are you familiar with it?
When animals choose a mate in the wild, they do so partly by scent. One reason for this is so that if anything should happen to any of their other senses they will be able to identify safety in the scent of their mate.
What does your husband's ear smell like? What about his hands? His neck? His stomach? Feet? Penis? Do you ever take a deep breath and soak in the aroma of his hair? It's unique to him and only him. He should know your scent as well.
On another note (and to get away from bodily aroma for a moment), is there a scent that hubby enjoys? Are there ways you can be a better wife by using these scents? Does he like the scent of fresh baked pie? Does he go wild for a certain perfume? What areas of your body does he tend to smell? Does he ever breathe deeply and take in all the aromas of you?
I believe God created us to love our husbands with our full beings, and that includes our noses. We are naturally sensitive to certain aromas and are attracted to our husbands partly because of the way they smell.
Make sure you know the scent of your man. Breathe it in. Appreciate it. When he's gone, you'll wish you could hold on to it (and him) forever.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
The Five Senses of Being His Wife: Sound
This is the second post in my series about the fives senses. Today I want to explore the sense of sound and how it relates to my role as my husband's wife.
Do I listen to Lew (husband)? I mean really listen? What does he actually mean when he says we should have pie more often? (Hint: He probably likes pie.) What does it mean when he says he's going to take a shower before bed? Or when he compliments the way I look in my new sweater? Do I hear what my beloved is saying in the background of his words?
Am I aware of the sounds he makes on a daily basis? What do his little sighs, moans, and groans mean? As his wife, I should know. I should be enough of a student to at least know how to read the man I married.
Okay, so here's the other side of the coin.
What is he hearing? What sounds do I make for him to hear? Do my word build him up or tear him down?
Does he hear me speaking loving words to him, or does he hear mostly complaining and nagging?
Lord, please help me to hear my husband. Not just his words, but the heart behind his words. Help me be a student of him and know him in a way that will bless him. I want to build my house and not tear it down. Help me use words that will help my husband. Please let him hear uplifting messages from me. This I pray in Jesus' name.
Do I listen to Lew (husband)? I mean really listen? What does he actually mean when he says we should have pie more often? (Hint: He probably likes pie.) What does it mean when he says he's going to take a shower before bed? Or when he compliments the way I look in my new sweater? Do I hear what my beloved is saying in the background of his words?
Am I aware of the sounds he makes on a daily basis? What do his little sighs, moans, and groans mean? As his wife, I should know. I should be enough of a student to at least know how to read the man I married.
Okay, so here's the other side of the coin.
What is he hearing? What sounds do I make for him to hear? Do my word build him up or tear him down?
Does he hear me speaking loving words to him, or does he hear mostly complaining and nagging?
Lord, please help me to hear my husband. Not just his words, but the heart behind his words. Help me be a student of him and know him in a way that will bless him. I want to build my house and not tear it down. Help me use words that will help my husband. Please let him hear uplifting messages from me. This I pray in Jesus' name.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The Five Senses of Being His Wife: Sight
God has gifted us with five senses with which we go about our daily walk. If we are walking with a spouse, these five senses are even more important. We need to use these gifts in our marriages on a daily basis, loving and knowing our spouses in every way possible.
This subject is too important to limit to one post. It warrants an expanded view of each sense as it relates to the holy union of marriage.
How do you look at your husband? Do you gaze through a filter that sees all his mistakes and flaws? All the ugliness that disappoints you and causes you to look at him with disgust? Or do you through the lens of our Heavenly Father, as a human being who has been fearfully and wonderfully made, in the image of God Himself?
The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness. (Luke 11:34)
The sense of sight is so important in the marriage relationship and not just on the surface. I need to see my husband with a clear eye, not a dirty one. I must see him as God sees him. God sees every square inch of him. He knows the birthmarks on the folds in my husband's skin. He knows exactly where the red bump is on his inner thigh. He knows the itchy spot on his head (and his other itchy spots). I must know why he laughs and why he cries. I must know why he wakes up in the wee hours of the morning and can't go back to sleep.
Do I know these things? Am I aware of the details of my husband, inside and out, or would I rather not get into the nitty gritty of actually "knowing" physically, intellectually, sexually and spiritually, the man whom God Himself chose for me. Do I take the time to look at him - really look at him - every square inch? Do I know how big that mole was last week? Do I really know what all of his many parts look like? Have I taken the time to see him? Am I too ashamed to look? Am I afraid to really examine him? Why?
On the flip side, do I allow myself to be open to my husband's eyes? Do I allow him to see me outside and inside? Is he able to look at my most deeply personal wrinkles and crevices, or do I put a halt to his efforts?
Wives, today I urge you to pray that God will open your eyes to your husband's physical being. Pray that you will begin exploring him with your eyes and really get to know his body.
This subject is too important to limit to one post. It warrants an expanded view of each sense as it relates to the holy union of marriage.
How do you look at your husband? Do you gaze through a filter that sees all his mistakes and flaws? All the ugliness that disappoints you and causes you to look at him with disgust? Or do you through the lens of our Heavenly Father, as a human being who has been fearfully and wonderfully made, in the image of God Himself?
The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness. (Luke 11:34)
The sense of sight is so important in the marriage relationship and not just on the surface. I need to see my husband with a clear eye, not a dirty one. I must see him as God sees him. God sees every square inch of him. He knows the birthmarks on the folds in my husband's skin. He knows exactly where the red bump is on his inner thigh. He knows the itchy spot on his head (and his other itchy spots). I must know why he laughs and why he cries. I must know why he wakes up in the wee hours of the morning and can't go back to sleep.
Do I know these things? Am I aware of the details of my husband, inside and out, or would I rather not get into the nitty gritty of actually "knowing" physically, intellectually, sexually and spiritually, the man whom God Himself chose for me. Do I take the time to look at him - really look at him - every square inch? Do I know how big that mole was last week? Do I really know what all of his many parts look like? Have I taken the time to see him? Am I too ashamed to look? Am I afraid to really examine him? Why?
On the flip side, do I allow myself to be open to my husband's eyes? Do I allow him to see me outside and inside? Is he able to look at my most deeply personal wrinkles and crevices, or do I put a halt to his efforts?
Wives, today I urge you to pray that God will open your eyes to your husband's physical being. Pray that you will begin exploring him with your eyes and really get to know his body.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
He's watching me do THAT???
Some facts about God just blow me away. I’ve always known that God is everywhere, even in the smallest details. As a kid I learned that He’s watching me and taking care of me and that He wants what’s best for me.
Recently I had an awesome and somewhat frightening little “a-ha!” moment about God and his everywhere-ness. It happened while I was serving Lew (husband) by doing something deeply personal and intimate (I think you can guess) that he deeply desires and loves.
While I was busy serving my hubby the Holy Spirit got a hold of me and whispered in my ear, “Your husband is well pleased with you, and so is your Heavenly Father.”
Wow! I never really stopped to think about it, but it’s true. When the hubby and I are naked and unashamed, God is there. When we’re naked and one of us is ashamed (mostly me), He is there. When I dive in and explore sex with abandon, He is there. When I rationalize all the reasons not to release myself to sexual abandon, He is there.
I’ve blogged previously about God’s whereabouts and that He’s always watching and always with us, but this dimension adds a bit more depth to my understanding of exactly how involved God is in our lives.
Everything I do and every excuse I have, God is either pleased or displeased with me.
What about you? Is God please with the details of your life? Your marriage? Your thoughts and excuses?
Does He like the level of intimacy you’ve built with your husband?
If not, what are you going to do about it?
Thursday, September 19, 2013
I Should Have Let Him Know Me
I was a gate keeper. I was never a refuser. There is a difference. A refuser says no to sex. A gate keeper says yes to sex but no to anything new. I was a gate keeper.
It almost destroyed me when I discovered the truth. I was devastated because I realized what I was missing out on, and because I realized it was too late. My first husband had died having never experienced the pleasures of sexual fulfillment.
Yes, we would make love often, and yes it was satisfying. But it wasn't fulfilling for him. I said no to some requests that, as I look back on it, should have been no big deal for me. He asked, begged, pleaded for it. I debated him and kept that gate closed for a long time.
Then he died suddenly, never having been granted the closeness, the oneness, the intimacy he so desperately needed from me.
I will not do that to my new husband, Lew. He will know me and I will know him. I will get to know and accept him intellectually, spiritually, socially, and sexually in every way possible.
The Bible says we should be one flesh. That means I should know every crease in his mind and body the same way I know my own, and he likewise should know mine. How am I supposed to do that if I won't even look closely at him? (ALL OF HIM) How is he supposed to know me when I shudder every time he shows interest in looking at (all of) me closely? Touching and kissing me intimately?
Why would I keep that gate closed? Does it glorify God to disallow my husband (whom I am instructed to reverence and submit to) access to my body so he can know me? Is it a good thing to say no to touching and kissing him intimately?
My first husband never asked me to do anything that would cause me physical harm, and yet I was a gate keeper to all things sexual. I wouldn't let him get away with his "perverted little acts." Funny, it turned out he was right and I was in sin. It wasn't perverted - it was intimate. I should have known him more the way he needed. I should have let him know me.
It's time we realize that God celebrates with us when we allow ourselves to relinquish the keys to the gate and allow ourselves and our husbands full access to each other with all five senses.. Naked and unashamed.
I will not be the one responsible for our one flesh union asunder.
Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:6)
It almost destroyed me when I discovered the truth. I was devastated because I realized what I was missing out on, and because I realized it was too late. My first husband had died having never experienced the pleasures of sexual fulfillment.
Yes, we would make love often, and yes it was satisfying. But it wasn't fulfilling for him. I said no to some requests that, as I look back on it, should have been no big deal for me. He asked, begged, pleaded for it. I debated him and kept that gate closed for a long time.
Then he died suddenly, never having been granted the closeness, the oneness, the intimacy he so desperately needed from me.
I will not do that to my new husband, Lew. He will know me and I will know him. I will get to know and accept him intellectually, spiritually, socially, and sexually in every way possible.
The Bible says we should be one flesh. That means I should know every crease in his mind and body the same way I know my own, and he likewise should know mine. How am I supposed to do that if I won't even look closely at him? (ALL OF HIM) How is he supposed to know me when I shudder every time he shows interest in looking at (all of) me closely? Touching and kissing me intimately?
Why would I keep that gate closed? Does it glorify God to disallow my husband (whom I am instructed to reverence and submit to) access to my body so he can know me? Is it a good thing to say no to touching and kissing him intimately?
My first husband never asked me to do anything that would cause me physical harm, and yet I was a gate keeper to all things sexual. I wouldn't let him get away with his "perverted little acts." Funny, it turned out he was right and I was in sin. It wasn't perverted - it was intimate. I should have known him more the way he needed. I should have let him know me.
It's time we realize that God celebrates with us when we allow ourselves to relinquish the keys to the gate and allow ourselves and our husbands full access to each other with all five senses.. Naked and unashamed.
I will not be the one responsible for our one flesh union asunder.
Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:6)
gate keeping,
oral sex,
Monday, September 9, 2013
Grow Up already!!
If God called you to do something new, something different, would you do it for Him? Many of you immediately answered "yes." That's a good answer, but are you sure you would do it? If you're like me you'll say "yes, some day I'll do that for you." Then you'll never get around to doing it.
I fought that battle with my first husband. He was a good man. I struggle with things he was asking me to do. I would say "yes, I will do that, but first I want to do (A), (B), and (C). Then I'll do that for you. He died having never had the gift of me giving my full self to him. I have many regrets about that.
Now I'm married to another wonderful man who loves me and my girls and to whom I also promise things ... someday. I'm finding myself falling back into the comfortable routine again. A routine that centers around me and what I want rather than a routine of serving my husband, and therefore serving God.
God has commanded wives to submit to their husbands as to the Lord. This means when my husband asks for something, whether it be another scoop of potatoes, help with taking out the garbage, or something he craves from you in the bedroom (as long as it is not illegal), I am to submit to his request as if God Himself asked me to do it. If I wouldn't say "no" to God, then I shouldn't say "no" to Lew (husband).
I'm not saying this thinking comes naturally, nor is it easy. Quite the contrary. Transforming a lifetime of selfishness into an attitude of submission is hard. It's uncomfortable. It will cause stress. But it is what God expects of wives.
We are to be our husbands' help-meets. How can I possibly expect my husband to resist temptation when I am making certain that he is unsatisfied with me? Someday I'll be ready and willing to do that for you. or When you've done this and that I'll do that other thing. Would I ever dare to talk to God that way?
I would like to say I wouldn't but the truth is that whenever I lead my husband on, telling him that someday I'll do the things he asks when I know in my heart I have no intention of doing them, I have in fact been deceitful to him as to the Lord.
When Lew stopped initiating sexual intimacy with me, I didn't know what the problem was. I found out the problem was me. It wasn't that we never made love, it's just that it was always the same. We had built a routine, and as many ways as Lew (husband) asked for something else, I had just as many ways of putting him off until he stopped asking altogether. He said "I figure it's pointless to keep asking. I'm never going to get it anyway."
Just like God will leave a sinner wallowing in his/her sin, so my husband left me wallowing in my decision to stay comfortable and not give him something that he so desperately desired. We have started to work through it, but I have to tell you it isn't easy. I'm stretching my comfort zones and he is still very reluctant to make any requests.
I know some of you have done this to your husbands too. You've put off doing that certain something for him and now he won't ask for it anymore. It doesn't mean he isn't desperate for it. It just means he has resigned himself to the fact that you aren't going to be his helper. He will find other ways to fill the void that would otherwise have been filled by you. Maybe he will start a new hobby. Maybe he'll discover video games or pornography. Maybe he'll seek gratification elsewhere.
If this sounds like you, then I pray that you see the destruction this is causing to your husband and to your marriage, and that God will help you take the first step, second step, third step, and so on to get over yourself and grow up already. Your husband needs a help-meet in all areas of his life. You are it.
I'm finally starting to grow up and act like my husband wife. Won't you do the same?
Thursday, September 5, 2013
A Good Wife?
Am I a good wife? That's a great question. It's one I've been asking myself lately.
Do I build up my house, or do I tear it down?
I should love my husband and submit to him (build up my house), but often I find myself selfishly clinging to what I want instead of giving my all to my husband (pluck down my house).
Why? Because I want what I want. I do not want what he is asking of me. This happens more often than I want to admit. I give him not what he is asking of me, but only as much as I want to give. Did I mention that I am a selfish woman?
My prayer is that God will continue to work in me to change my selfish heart and help me step outside my comfortable little world into the world of serving and giving to my husband. I pray daily that He will help me understand that my husband has been given a vision for our marriage and that if I don't follow him we won't enjoy God's best for our marriage.
Take a moment, wives, and consider the vision your husband has been given for your family. Would it be so bad to obey God by submitting to your husband's authority? Wouldn't it be better to work through your objections and get over them? Wouldn't it be a good idea to be the wife your husband needs?
Do I build up my house, or do I tear it down?
I'm not always a wise woman. I'm disagreeable. I complain and argue. I pluck my house down one complaint at a time.Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. (Proverbs 14:1)
I should love my husband and submit to him (build up my house), but often I find myself selfishly clinging to what I want instead of giving my all to my husband (pluck down my house).
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. (Ephesians 5:22)Lew tries very hard to lead me as he feels led by the Lord. He has been given a vision for our marriage, our intimacy, our oneness. Sometimes I submit and sometimes I rebel.
Why? Because I want what I want. I do not want what he is asking of me. This happens more often than I want to admit. I give him not what he is asking of me, but only as much as I want to give. Did I mention that I am a selfish woman?
- I'm selfish about my house. I want it a certain way. I place it above people sometimes.
- I'm selfish about my time. When I'm reading I refuse to be interrupted, even if the children are on fire.
- I'm selfish about my body. I don't give my husband what he needs and desires in the bedroom. I only give him what I want him to have.
My prayer is that God will continue to work in me to change my selfish heart and help me step outside my comfortable little world into the world of serving and giving to my husband. I pray daily that He will help me understand that my husband has been given a vision for our marriage and that if I don't follow him we won't enjoy God's best for our marriage.
Take a moment, wives, and consider the vision your husband has been given for your family. Would it be so bad to obey God by submitting to your husband's authority? Wouldn't it be better to work through your objections and get over them? Wouldn't it be a good idea to be the wife your husband needs?
Sunday, August 11, 2013
He Is Watching
Lew (husband) and I were in church last weekend, praising God with our whole hearts. We prayed, sang, learned, fellowshipped, and communed. I really felt like I was paying attention to God's voice. I wanted to do everything I could for Him in that moment. It was wonderful. It got me thinking.....
How quick am I to obey when God asks me to do something for Him? What about at home? Do I live my life in a way that glorifies God? Do I always do my best to obey Him in everything? EVERY thing?? Do I worship my Lord and Savior in my every day life as though He's watching?
Because He is watching.
When I sit at my computer all day while life goes on without me, God's watching.
When I criticize Lew (husband) in front of the girls, God's watching.
When I get that enormous, selfish case of the "I wants," God's watching.
When I am impatient, God's watching.
When I'm at the supermarket deciding between corn flakes and fruit loops, God's watching.
When I flirt with my husband, God's watching.
When I put off giving my husband that "thing" he wants in bed, God's watching.
When I lay awake at night, filled with guilt over my behavior, God's watching.
He's watching me all the time. He knows how well I've behaved. He's there, guiding me, prodding me, asking me to do things and watching as I disobey.
At the store, He's there watching me make unhealthy choices that destroy my body and my budget.
At home, He's there watching as I ignore my children and husband because I'm lost in my book.
In the bedroom, He's there as I put a stop to anything that will help Lew (husband) and I become more intimate.
He's there. Always there.
He's with you, too. He's watching everything you do. He sees every decision you make. You cannot hide from Him.
So, let me ask you this ...... Is He happy with you? I'm sure He isn't always happy with me.
How quick am I to obey when God asks me to do something for Him? What about at home? Do I live my life in a way that glorifies God? Do I always do my best to obey Him in everything? EVERY thing?? Do I worship my Lord and Savior in my every day life as though He's watching?
Because He is watching.
When I sit at my computer all day while life goes on without me, God's watching.
When I criticize Lew (husband) in front of the girls, God's watching.
When I get that enormous, selfish case of the "I wants," God's watching.
When I am impatient, God's watching.
When I'm at the supermarket deciding between corn flakes and fruit loops, God's watching.
When I flirt with my husband, God's watching.
When I put off giving my husband that "thing" he wants in bed, God's watching.
When I lay awake at night, filled with guilt over my behavior, God's watching.
He's watching me all the time. He knows how well I've behaved. He's there, guiding me, prodding me, asking me to do things and watching as I disobey.
At the store, He's there watching me make unhealthy choices that destroy my body and my budget.
At home, He's there watching as I ignore my children and husband because I'm lost in my book.
In the bedroom, He's there as I put a stop to anything that will help Lew (husband) and I become more intimate.
He's there. Always there.
He's with you, too. He's watching everything you do. He sees every decision you make. You cannot hide from Him.
So, let me ask you this ...... Is He happy with you? I'm sure He isn't always happy with me.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Totally. My. Fault.
I haven't blogged in quite a while, and it was intentional. I had to get my household and my marriage in order, and to do that, I had to take a break from blogging.
In the last few months I've been working on some things in the "wife skills" area. You see, Lew (husband) stopped ... um ... initiating sex. Just completely stopped asking for it. It was as if he wasn't interested. At. All.
I didn't know what to do. So I talked to my mentor (my Titus 2 lady). Not just one talk, but many, Many, MANY talks. We discovered a disturbing pattern. About me, not him.
Here's how the pattern goes:
The fact is, if I had "let myself go" and been a wife to him (a truly Biblical, Song of Solomon wife) instead of a frigid, frightened little priss, he might think differently of me. He might have actually thought I wanted him. He might have felt that I loved him. He might have thought I actually enjoyed being intimate with him.
Instead, sex was get in, roll this, stroke that, get in, I finish, he finishes, DONE. Almost exactly the same way, every. single. time.
Meanwhile, he's walking around like a zombie, needing sexual release, and I am unavailable to do for him the little, quick things that, although they aren't full intercourse, would make him feel loved and wanted.
Why? Why would I deny him the one thing he can't get anywhere else?
Control. I always had to be in control of myself and everything around me, including my body and my husband's body. I would let him do the predictable things that would bring about the predictable sexual result, but I would always bring the hammer down if he tried to cross the line, because I couldn't control the outcome.
It wasn't that I didn't love him, it was just that I only wanted to know him in certain ways, and NOT in other ways. Oddly enough, he (being the male = males are noted for being less open, not as free to express themselves = what a crock) wanted to know me every possible way, and wanted me to know him likewise. Just like God wanted.
Sooo ... he stopped asking for sex. Don't get me wrong - when I initiate, he is more than willing to accommodate me ... anywhere, any time, any way. But he doesn't initiate. Ever.
Totally. My. Fault.
In the last few months I've been working on some things in the "wife skills" area. You see, Lew (husband) stopped ... um ... initiating sex. Just completely stopped asking for it. It was as if he wasn't interested. At. All.
I didn't know what to do. So I talked to my mentor (my Titus 2 lady). Not just one talk, but many, Many, MANY talks. We discovered a disturbing pattern. About me, not him.
Here's how the pattern goes:
1. Lew(husband) gets all lovey dovey and asks me for sex. I tell him I can't right now, but I will later. Later, I get interested in something else and forget all about my amorous husband, who is waiting for me. Upstairs. Naked. Asleep by now.
2. Husband asks for something specific. It isn't really a surprise (he's been wanting something different for a long, Long, LONG time). I argue with him and myself about it, when it really isn't unbiblical. I'm just (a.) embarrassed at the prospect of letting myself go that far, (b.) afraid of becoming the kind of woman who does "that," and (c.) not sure how to do it right. I put him off and put him off and put him off until the requests stop coming.
3. I have gained a few pounds (haven't we all?) and I don't feel as sexy as I once did. I won't let him see me naked. Ever. I get dressed and undressed under my bathrobe or behind a screen. When we make love I make him turn off the light even though he delights in the sight of my body (why, I'll never know).
4. When we are in the throes of passion, he tries to go "down there." It's something he's done before, and it always puts me over the edge. But I think to myself, 1. Am I clean? 2. Am I supposed to just lie here and enjoy this? How awkward. 3. What kind of a disgusting person does this kind of thing, anyway?
The fact is, if I had "let myself go" and been a wife to him (a truly Biblical, Song of Solomon wife) instead of a frigid, frightened little priss, he might think differently of me. He might have actually thought I wanted him. He might have felt that I loved him. He might have thought I actually enjoyed being intimate with him.
Instead, sex was get in, roll this, stroke that, get in, I finish, he finishes, DONE. Almost exactly the same way, every. single. time.
Meanwhile, he's walking around like a zombie, needing sexual release, and I am unavailable to do for him the little, quick things that, although they aren't full intercourse, would make him feel loved and wanted.
Why? Why would I deny him the one thing he can't get anywhere else?
Control. I always had to be in control of myself and everything around me, including my body and my husband's body. I would let him do the predictable things that would bring about the predictable sexual result, but I would always bring the hammer down if he tried to cross the line, because I couldn't control the outcome.
It wasn't that I didn't love him, it was just that I only wanted to know him in certain ways, and NOT in other ways. Oddly enough, he (being the male = males are noted for being less open, not as free to express themselves = what a crock) wanted to know me every possible way, and wanted me to know him likewise. Just like God wanted.
Sooo ... he stopped asking for sex. Don't get me wrong - when I initiate, he is more than willing to accommodate me ... anywhere, any time, any way. But he doesn't initiate. Ever.
Totally. My. Fault.
Friday, May 3, 2013
A Time To Reconnect
First, let me apologize for neglecting my blog for so long. I was away with Lew (husband), working on our relationship. We did this because it came to a crisis point and we didn't want to give up on God's gift of marriage.
My parents watched the kids and we drove far away and checked into a very nice hotel. It was glorious to be alone with my love for a few weeks. Or at least it would have been glorious had it not been for the gigantic crater in our relationship.
That was the first order of business. Well, right after resting a bit and getting some food in our famished bodies.
First thing in the morning that first day we ate breakfast and got to work. We set up our laptops on a round table in our room and sat next to each other. We spent time each day working on specific areas of our marriage and family, including topics like finances, children, retirement, home improvements, health and fitness, diet, and sex.
The talks were difficult at times. There were things each of us didn't want to hear. Some topics were embarrassing (especially when it came to sex), but we worked through some of them and made plans to improve over the next few months.
The best part of our getaway was having the freedom to be truly open and unashamed with each other without any interruptions. We talked about things, and whenever we could, we started implementing changes immediately, right there on vacation. Diet, exercise, sex, wardrobe, whatever we talked about. We started making changes right then and there.
I found out I could do some things for him that would give him tremendous satisfaction and that didn't take a lot of effort on my part. The trick was paying attention to him and what he needs instead of concentrating on what I want to give him and how to get out of giving him what I don't want to give him (Yes, I'm guilty of this and so are you).
I found out that Lew was unhappy for a long time but didn't want to say anything because he didn't want to have the same argument with me again and get nowhere again. In fact, it took a couple days before he was actually able to admit that he still wasn't satisfied with our relationship.
The entire trip opened my eyes and I intend to keep them open.
What about you? Do you and your hubby talk openly and honestly about deep, important issues? Do you diet with him? (Lew dieted alone because it was "too much of a hassle" for me.) Do you exercise together? (Lew didn't do the right kind of exercises.) Do you try his sexual ideas? (I was only willing to do a few things, and he stopped asking for any kind of sex at all.) Do you dress for each other? (We're learning to do that.)
I recommend to every couple that you take a week or so without the kids to go away, talk, and reconnect. It will make a huge difference. I promise.
My parents watched the kids and we drove far away and checked into a very nice hotel. It was glorious to be alone with my love for a few weeks. Or at least it would have been glorious had it not been for the gigantic crater in our relationship.
That was the first order of business. Well, right after resting a bit and getting some food in our famished bodies.
First thing in the morning that first day we ate breakfast and got to work. We set up our laptops on a round table in our room and sat next to each other. We spent time each day working on specific areas of our marriage and family, including topics like finances, children, retirement, home improvements, health and fitness, diet, and sex.
The talks were difficult at times. There were things each of us didn't want to hear. Some topics were embarrassing (especially when it came to sex), but we worked through some of them and made plans to improve over the next few months.
The best part of our getaway was having the freedom to be truly open and unashamed with each other without any interruptions. We talked about things, and whenever we could, we started implementing changes immediately, right there on vacation. Diet, exercise, sex, wardrobe, whatever we talked about. We started making changes right then and there.
I found out I could do some things for him that would give him tremendous satisfaction and that didn't take a lot of effort on my part. The trick was paying attention to him and what he needs instead of concentrating on what I want to give him and how to get out of giving him what I don't want to give him (Yes, I'm guilty of this and so are you).
I found out that Lew was unhappy for a long time but didn't want to say anything because he didn't want to have the same argument with me again and get nowhere again. In fact, it took a couple days before he was actually able to admit that he still wasn't satisfied with our relationship.
The entire trip opened my eyes and I intend to keep them open.
What about you? Do you and your hubby talk openly and honestly about deep, important issues? Do you diet with him? (Lew dieted alone because it was "too much of a hassle" for me.) Do you exercise together? (Lew didn't do the right kind of exercises.) Do you try his sexual ideas? (I was only willing to do a few things, and he stopped asking for any kind of sex at all.) Do you dress for each other? (We're learning to do that.)
I recommend to every couple that you take a week or so without the kids to go away, talk, and reconnect. It will make a huge difference. I promise.
Friday, March 22, 2013
My Wicked Thoughts
OK, I admit it. I think some, let's say, "not so nice" things at times. I often do one thing while thinking another.
Especially where my husband is concerned.
In spite of what I do for my husband, I know that my motivation isn't always quite right. Sometimes (no, make that most times) I do things not out of love but to get my own way.
"If I do this for him, eventually he'll get the hint and do this or that for me."
~ OR ~
"I'm only doing this because the Bible says I'm supposed to submit to my husband."
~ OR ~
"Why can't he be different, better at _________, more like ___________, smarter, stronger, etc..."
In my marriage I find myself asking those questions far too often. I say I'm his help-meet. I go through the motions, but my thoughts are not right. If I treat him (on the outside) like I love him and would do anything for him, but think thoughts against him, like how lazy he is, or how unloving he is, or how much better I am with the kids, or how I wish he would do something better, then my thought life needs to be re-examined BIG TIME.
I may be respectful and submissive on the outside, but inside I'm rebelling against my God and my husband with my whole heart. I may say that I respect him, but I do not, because I think things against him. I think I'm so clever to pretend I want to obey God by submitting to my husband in everything. But I do not submit in everything. In fact, I submit in hardly anything. And my husband knows it. He can tell I have a deceitful heart. That's why he doesn't open up, doesn't express his feelings, desires. My deceitful heart is the reason he doesn't lead.
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. (Romans 6:12)
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
I need to start getting my heart right. I need to focus on my thought life and ask God to help me love my husband and not harbor selfish, wicked thoughts against him by saying/doing one thing, but thinking another.
Lord God, please help me focus on You. Examine my heart and help me eliminate any bad thoughts about my husband. Let me be the help-meet he needs instead of the help-meet I want to give him. Get rid of my selfishness and let me serve him and You.
In Jesus name,
Especially where my husband is concerned.
In spite of what I do for my husband, I know that my motivation isn't always quite right. Sometimes (no, make that most times) I do things not out of love but to get my own way.
"If I do this for him, eventually he'll get the hint and do this or that for me."
~ OR ~
"I'm only doing this because the Bible says I'm supposed to submit to my husband."
~ OR ~
"Why can't he be different, better at _________, more like ___________, smarter, stronger, etc..."
In my marriage I find myself asking those questions far too often. I say I'm his help-meet. I go through the motions, but my thoughts are not right. If I treat him (on the outside) like I love him and would do anything for him, but think thoughts against him, like how lazy he is, or how unloving he is, or how much better I am with the kids, or how I wish he would do something better, then my thought life needs to be re-examined BIG TIME.
I may be respectful and submissive on the outside, but inside I'm rebelling against my God and my husband with my whole heart. I may say that I respect him, but I do not, because I think things against him. I think I'm so clever to pretend I want to obey God by submitting to my husband in everything. But I do not submit in everything. In fact, I submit in hardly anything. And my husband knows it. He can tell I have a deceitful heart. That's why he doesn't open up, doesn't express his feelings, desires. My deceitful heart is the reason he doesn't lead.
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. (Romans 6:12)
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
I need to start getting my heart right. I need to focus on my thought life and ask God to help me love my husband and not harbor selfish, wicked thoughts against him by saying/doing one thing, but thinking another.
Lord God, please help me focus on You. Examine my heart and help me eliminate any bad thoughts about my husband. Let me be the help-meet he needs instead of the help-meet I want to give him. Get rid of my selfishness and let me serve him and You.
In Jesus name,
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
He Doesn't Deserve Me.
I'm not what he expected.
I'm not what he bargained for.
I'm certainly not what he wanted.
I know beyond a doubt that Lew (husband) loves me with all his heart. I because I've experienced his love in the ways he takes care of me and the girls. I know because I feel the warmth when he holds me. Not a physical warmth, but a much deeper, "knowing" kind of warmth.
I also know that he never bargained for a wife who would abandon him for things like books, television, women's clubs, the children, my housework, or anything else that's on my personal agenda.
I know that he expected me to follow through on my promises. I promised to put him before a bunch of other stuff, and to make sure I did all those wifely things he needs me to do - cooking, ironing, shopping.
I know that he has been bitterly disappointed in me because I have led him on, telling him I was willing to grow sexually and learn how to please him when I never had any intention to do so. (... and I think he knows that now, so he stopped asking for any kind of sex whatsoever - what a relief).
I broke my promises. I never intended to be the wife he wanted. Not if it meant I would have to do things for him. After all, I'm the woman in this relationship, and the man is supposed to worship and serve the woman. Right? He doesn't serve me, does he?
He works hard so I can have a nicer house than most of my friends. So what?
He provides food and clothing for me and the kids. So what?
He keeps the cars gassed-up and repaired. So what?
He cooks and cleans whenever I'm too tired, or too ticked off to do it. So what?
He takes up the slack for the tasks I'm supposed to do. So what?
He protects me when people talk down to me. So what?
He gives me sex whenever I want it. So what?
Furthermore, he asks too much of me.
He wants me to spend time with him.
He expects me to do go to bed when he does so we be intimate.
He wants me to open up to new things in bed so we can grow our marriage.
He wants me to read marriage books with him.
That's asking for too much.
When I married him I did not expect him to treat me the way he does. He definitely isn't the husband I expected ... or deserve.
Besides, I'm sure when he married me he didn't expect me to treat him like I do. I may be the woman he desired, but I'm not the wife he wants ... or deserves.
I'm not what he bargained for.
I'm certainly not what he wanted.
I know beyond a doubt that Lew (husband) loves me with all his heart. I because I've experienced his love in the ways he takes care of me and the girls. I know because I feel the warmth when he holds me. Not a physical warmth, but a much deeper, "knowing" kind of warmth.
I also know that he never bargained for a wife who would abandon him for things like books, television, women's clubs, the children, my housework, or anything else that's on my personal agenda.
I know that he expected me to follow through on my promises. I promised to put him before a bunch of other stuff, and to make sure I did all those wifely things he needs me to do - cooking, ironing, shopping.
I know that he has been bitterly disappointed in me because I have led him on, telling him I was willing to grow sexually and learn how to please him when I never had any intention to do so. (... and I think he knows that now, so he stopped asking for any kind of sex whatsoever - what a relief).
I broke my promises. I never intended to be the wife he wanted. Not if it meant I would have to do things for him. After all, I'm the woman in this relationship, and the man is supposed to worship and serve the woman. Right? He doesn't serve me, does he?
He works hard so I can have a nicer house than most of my friends. So what?
He provides food and clothing for me and the kids. So what?
He keeps the cars gassed-up and repaired. So what?
He cooks and cleans whenever I'm too tired, or too ticked off to do it. So what?
He takes up the slack for the tasks I'm supposed to do. So what?
He protects me when people talk down to me. So what?
He gives me sex whenever I want it. So what?
Furthermore, he asks too much of me.
He wants me to spend time with him.
He expects me to do go to bed when he does so we be intimate.
He wants me to open up to new things in bed so we can grow our marriage.
He wants me to read marriage books with him.
That's asking for too much.
When I married him I did not expect him to treat me the way he does. He definitely isn't the husband I expected ... or deserve.
Besides, I'm sure when he married me he didn't expect me to treat him like I do. I may be the woman he desired, but I'm not the wife he wants ... or deserves.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Who Do You Serve?
The question is ... who do I serve?
I often say it is a privilege to serve and respect my husband, even reverence him, as the Bible commands (Ephesians 5:33). But who do I serve ... really?
Here's what I mean ...
Every time I give Lew (husband) a hard time about something because it isn't the way I want it, I'm serving myself. Not my husband, not my Savior, myself.
Every time I give my husband something I want him to have instead of something he actually wants or needs, I'm serving myself. Not him.
Every time I refuse him sexually of the kind of intimacy he desires but instead give him the sex I want him to have, I'm serving myself. Not him.
It's disobedience, ladies. Plain and simple. God expects us to reverence our husbands and obey and respect them.
When we refuse to consider that they need something that we don't want to give them, but instead give them something else - something that's acceptable to us, we are disobeying God's commands.
When sex is always my way, with only 20 seconds of his way added in a couple times a year to "make him happy," it destroys any chance for the marriage to achieve oneness. No wonder men look at other women, view pornography, and have affairs. If they can't be fulfilled in their own marriages by their own wives, they will fall to Satan's temptations.
Here's what I, personally, will do:
I will pay attention to my husband's needs. Deep down I know many of the things he wants and needs, but I don't allow him to have them because they are inconvenient, make me uncomfortable, or otherwise don't meet my criteria. I need to stop that. I need to recognize that when I obey and serve (and yes, reverence) my husband, I am obeying the Lord. Likewise, when I disobey my husband I also disobey the Lord. When I run his desires through my agenda and say, "um .... no. I don't think so," I am saying "no" to God. It's the same thing. When I disrespect my hubby, I disrespect my Savior. When my kids see me disrespecting him, they learn to do likewise.
You might say, "But what if my husband won't tell me what he wants?"
That question is a cop-out. There are many things we know beyond all doubt that our husband desire from us, but they no longer will express it out of frustration or exhaustion from the quest. You know I'm right. Our job is to repent of our personal agendas and serve and reverence our husbands the way they need us.
Our husbands will be happy and fulfilled and our God will bless our marriages.
I often say it is a privilege to serve and respect my husband, even reverence him, as the Bible commands (Ephesians 5:33). But who do I serve ... really?
Here's what I mean ...
Every time I give Lew (husband) a hard time about something because it isn't the way I want it, I'm serving myself. Not my husband, not my Savior, myself.
Every time I give my husband something I want him to have instead of something he actually wants or needs, I'm serving myself. Not him.
Every time I refuse him sexually of the kind of intimacy he desires but instead give him the sex I want him to have, I'm serving myself. Not him.
It's disobedience, ladies. Plain and simple. God expects us to reverence our husbands and obey and respect them.
When we refuse to consider that they need something that we don't want to give them, but instead give them something else - something that's acceptable to us, we are disobeying God's commands.
When sex is always my way, with only 20 seconds of his way added in a couple times a year to "make him happy," it destroys any chance for the marriage to achieve oneness. No wonder men look at other women, view pornography, and have affairs. If they can't be fulfilled in their own marriages by their own wives, they will fall to Satan's temptations.
Here's what I, personally, will do:
I will pay attention to my husband's needs. Deep down I know many of the things he wants and needs, but I don't allow him to have them because they are inconvenient, make me uncomfortable, or otherwise don't meet my criteria. I need to stop that. I need to recognize that when I obey and serve (and yes, reverence) my husband, I am obeying the Lord. Likewise, when I disobey my husband I also disobey the Lord. When I run his desires through my agenda and say, "um .... no. I don't think so," I am saying "no" to God. It's the same thing. When I disrespect my hubby, I disrespect my Savior. When my kids see me disrespecting him, they learn to do likewise.
You might say, "But what if my husband won't tell me what he wants?"
That question is a cop-out. There are many things we know beyond all doubt that our husband desire from us, but they no longer will express it out of frustration or exhaustion from the quest. You know I'm right. Our job is to repent of our personal agendas and serve and reverence our husbands the way they need us.
Our husbands will be happy and fulfilled and our God will bless our marriages.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Open or Closed?
Before I jump into today's post, I want to take a moment to apologize to my readers for the somewhat graphic nature of some of my last post. I did not mean to offend, but rather to enlighten. I wanted to share some of my feelings and maybe I went to far in the description or details. Anyway, I do apologize for that, and will do my very best to keep myself under control.
Now ... on to today's post.
Do you sleep with the door open or closed? I recently read that couples who sleep with the bedroom door open have more trouble with intimacy than those who close the door.
Hmmmm ....
Lew (husband) and I sleep with our door open on my insistence because I want to hear the girls if they need me in the middle of the night. Lew likes us to sleep au naturale but we haven't done so in several years because the door to our boudoir is wide
Hmmmm ....
I was more adventurous in bed before we had kids (and began leaving the bedroom door open).
Hmmmm ....
Maybe there is something to this. Let's examine some possibilities:
If we slept with the door closed ...
Worth a try. Don't you think?
Now ... on to today's post.
Do you sleep with the door open or closed? I recently read that couples who sleep with the bedroom door open have more trouble with intimacy than those who close the door.
Hmmmm ....
Lew (husband) and I sleep with our door open on my insistence because I want to hear the girls if they need me in the middle of the night. Lew likes us to sleep au naturale but we haven't done so in several years because the door to our boudoir is wide
Hmmmm ....
I was more adventurous in bed before we had kids (and began leaving the bedroom door open).
Hmmmm ....
Maybe there is something to this. Let's examine some possibilities:
If we slept with the door closed ...
- Lew could sleep in the raw. Maybe he could even convince me to lose the frock and join him.
- Our bedroom would be instantly private, and privacy is always a good thing for married folks.
- We could watch whatever we want on TV.
- The kids would have to knock before coming in. It would teach them to respect the boundary of Mom and Dad's private space.
Worth a try. Don't you think?
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Does My Husband Really Need .......THAT?????
"You need to learn."
That's what my mentor said to me. I was asking her advice on a very personal matter and she was very upfront with me about what I needed to do. It wasn't a comfortable conversation, nor was it pleasant advice, but it was exactly what I needed to hear.
I'm very blessed with a mentor who is a true Titus 2 woman. She teaches me and guides me in a very no nonsense way. She really tells it like it is, unlike many "mentors" out there who will brush many subjects under the rug, or worse yet, will get all high, mighty, and superior. My lady understands her role, and she teaches me how to love my husband. MY husband.
And because she is so honest and open with me, it's time for me to be honest and open with you. Let's have a frank discussion about what happens in the bedroom.
Lew (my husband) has asked me about oral sex for a long time (I told you this was going to be a frank discussion). He wants it. he wants to do it to me, and he wants me to do it to him. He wants a no-holds-barred sex life with me, the one he chose to marry. One the surface it seemed okay, but then when it came down to actually doing it, I backed down.
By "backed down" I mean excuse after excuse. I put him off for years, and quite successfully. Or so I thought. He would ask me for it, and I didn't want to, so I would come up with all kinds of excuses.
I didn't wash.
I'm too tired.
The kids are still awake.
Maybe if we finish doing our work, I'll do that for you.
My friends don't do it.
Wouldn't you rather have intercourse?
I'm too fat.
I thought I was being so clever. In fact, the only thing I accomplished was to wear my husband down to the point where he wasn't even interested in sex with me anymore. Instead, he would sneak away for a few minutes to masturbate whenever he felt a sexual urge. He kept it pretty well hidden, too, until I came right out and asked him.
He told me he did it because it was easy to imagine my hands and lips on him, pleasuring him in that way. On the flipside, it was downright brutal to negotiate with me for the same thing. Further, he said even though I never really bothered to learn how to do it or improve at all even though I promised him I would (truth be told, I just plain stopped doing it for him altogether and thought he was finally okay with that), and that he was just better off pleasing himself than bothering me for it. He would still have intercourse with me, but when he wanted something else he always did it himself because he couldn't handle the struggle to convince me to give him a few minutes of pleasure.
"I thought we had a good sex life." It was all I could think to say.
"Maybe YOU have a good sex life, but WE only have a 'so-so' one," he replied.
My head was spinning. What was this all about? I started to read up on sexual frustration in men and found some very interesting facts.
I took my research to Lew, and asked him to help me understand it. He confirmed it. There's a lot of truth in the above statements.
I never knew how important oral sex was to him, or that he was so afraid to confide in me that he wanted me in that way. Truth is I guess he wants me a whole lot more than I want him.
Anyway, I took my problem (well, our problem) to my mentor. to say it was awkward would be a serious understatement. I told her the whole, ugly truth. Her answer to me was straightforward and abrupt.
"You need to learn."
"What do I need to learn?"
"You have to learn how to do those things. Those specific things. You've spent your whole marriage making love to him whatever way you want, and now it's time to learn how to love your husband. You probably don't even really know hat he wants you to do once you get down there, do you? He isn't a monster - he's your husband. It's about time you start acting like his wife. He isn't going to tell his friends, or call you a slut. The worst thing he will do is show you what he wants if you ask him. And then he'll be overjoyed that you want to please him that way."
I have to say, I was shocked by her answer. She advised me to google the things I needed to learn, and to try them out on my Lew. Not just the usual 30-second kiss-kiss-so-I-can-check-it-off-my-list-until-next-year technique. Sound familiar?
I looked up a few little things and tried them that night. Nothing intense, just something very basic. I never knew it would be so easy to please my husband so much. He was bursting with love and ecstasy when I crossed over my inhibitions and actually took him in and looked up at him. He wasn't looking for a porn star performance, just a wife who wasn't afraid to love him. It wasn't gross. It was wonderful to finally let go and truly abandon myself to my husband.
He told me he felt more love for me afterward than any other time in our marriage. And you know what? I didn't have to be masterful at it. I just tried something and he helped me get it right.
I love my husband.
**If you haven't found a Titus 2 mentor you really don't know what you're missing. But a word of caution: Many older women will be put off by sexual subjects, not finding them appropriate for discussion. That kind of person is NOT A TITUS 2 WOMAN. She must be someone who will teach you how to love your husband. That means what it means, and it most definitely does NOT exclude sex.
That's what my mentor said to me. I was asking her advice on a very personal matter and she was very upfront with me about what I needed to do. It wasn't a comfortable conversation, nor was it pleasant advice, but it was exactly what I needed to hear.
I'm very blessed with a mentor who is a true Titus 2 woman. She teaches me and guides me in a very no nonsense way. She really tells it like it is, unlike many "mentors" out there who will brush many subjects under the rug, or worse yet, will get all high, mighty, and superior. My lady understands her role, and she teaches me how to love my husband. MY husband.
And because she is so honest and open with me, it's time for me to be honest and open with you. Let's have a frank discussion about what happens in the bedroom.
Lew (my husband) has asked me about oral sex for a long time (I told you this was going to be a frank discussion). He wants it. he wants to do it to me, and he wants me to do it to him. He wants a no-holds-barred sex life with me, the one he chose to marry. One the surface it seemed okay, but then when it came down to actually doing it, I backed down.
By "backed down" I mean excuse after excuse. I put him off for years, and quite successfully. Or so I thought. He would ask me for it, and I didn't want to, so I would come up with all kinds of excuses.
I didn't wash.
I'm too tired.
The kids are still awake.
Maybe if we finish doing our work, I'll do that for you.
My friends don't do it.
Wouldn't you rather have intercourse?
I'm too fat.
I thought I was being so clever. In fact, the only thing I accomplished was to wear my husband down to the point where he wasn't even interested in sex with me anymore. Instead, he would sneak away for a few minutes to masturbate whenever he felt a sexual urge. He kept it pretty well hidden, too, until I came right out and asked him.
He told me he did it because it was easy to imagine my hands and lips on him, pleasuring him in that way. On the flipside, it was downright brutal to negotiate with me for the same thing. Further, he said even though I never really bothered to learn how to do it or improve at all even though I promised him I would (truth be told, I just plain stopped doing it for him altogether and thought he was finally okay with that), and that he was just better off pleasing himself than bothering me for it. He would still have intercourse with me, but when he wanted something else he always did it himself because he couldn't handle the struggle to convince me to give him a few minutes of pleasure.
"I thought we had a good sex life." It was all I could think to say.
"Maybe YOU have a good sex life, but WE only have a 'so-so' one," he replied.
My head was spinning. What was this all about? I started to read up on sexual frustration in men and found some very interesting facts.
- Men don't always need intercourse. Sometimes they just need a fast release that comes from other sexual activities such as oral or manual sex.
- They get very aroused when we kiss them, especially with our tongues.
- They tend to have fewer sexual limits than we do. They will do sex with abandon when they are allowed to.
- They love the taste of female flesh, even to the point of craving it.
- They long to feel our lips and tongues all over them.
I took my research to Lew, and asked him to help me understand it. He confirmed it. There's a lot of truth in the above statements.
I never knew how important oral sex was to him, or that he was so afraid to confide in me that he wanted me in that way. Truth is I guess he wants me a whole lot more than I want him.
Anyway, I took my problem (well, our problem) to my mentor. to say it was awkward would be a serious understatement. I told her the whole, ugly truth. Her answer to me was straightforward and abrupt.
"You need to learn."
"What do I need to learn?"
"You have to learn how to do those things. Those specific things. You've spent your whole marriage making love to him whatever way you want, and now it's time to learn how to love your husband. You probably don't even really know hat he wants you to do once you get down there, do you? He isn't a monster - he's your husband. It's about time you start acting like his wife. He isn't going to tell his friends, or call you a slut. The worst thing he will do is show you what he wants if you ask him. And then he'll be overjoyed that you want to please him that way."
I have to say, I was shocked by her answer. She advised me to google the things I needed to learn, and to try them out on my Lew. Not just the usual 30-second kiss-kiss-so-I-can-check-it-off-my-list-until-next-year technique. Sound familiar?
I looked up a few little things and tried them that night. Nothing intense, just something very basic. I never knew it would be so easy to please my husband so much. He was bursting with love and ecstasy when I crossed over my inhibitions and actually took him in and looked up at him. He wasn't looking for a porn star performance, just a wife who wasn't afraid to love him. It wasn't gross. It was wonderful to finally let go and truly abandon myself to my husband.
He told me he felt more love for me afterward than any other time in our marriage. And you know what? I didn't have to be masterful at it. I just tried something and he helped me get it right.
I love my husband.
**If you haven't found a Titus 2 mentor you really don't know what you're missing. But a word of caution: Many older women will be put off by sexual subjects, not finding them appropriate for discussion. That kind of person is NOT A TITUS 2 WOMAN. She must be someone who will teach you how to love your husband. That means what it means, and it most definitely does NOT exclude sex.
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