Friday, November 15, 2013

The Five Senses of Being His Wife: Smell

 If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? (1 Corinthians 12:17)

What is your husband's scent?  I don't mean cologne or aftershave, but what is his natural scent?  Are you familiar with it? 

When animals choose a mate in the wild, they do so partly by scent.  One reason for this is so that if anything should happen to any of their other senses they will be able to identify safety in the scent of their mate. 

What does your husband's ear smell like?  What about his hands?  His neck?  His stomach?  Feet?  Penis?  Do you ever take a deep breath and soak in the aroma of his hair?  It's unique to him and only him.  He should know your scent as well.

On another note (and to get away from bodily aroma for a moment), is there a scent that hubby enjoys?  Are there ways you can be a better wife  by using these scents?  Does he like the scent of fresh baked pie?  Does he go wild for a certain perfume?  What areas of your body does he tend to smell?  Does he ever breathe deeply and take in all the aromas of you?

I believe God created us to love our husbands with our full beings, and that includes our noses.  We are naturally sensitive to certain aromas and are attracted to our husbands partly because of the way they smell. 

Make sure you know the scent of your man.  Breathe it in.  Appreciate it.  When he's gone, you'll wish you could hold on to it (and him) forever.

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