Tuesday, September 24, 2013

He's watching me do THAT???

Some facts about God just blow me away.  I’ve always known that God is everywhere, even in the smallest details.  As a kid I learned that He’s watching me and taking care of me and that He wants what’s best for me.  

Recently I had an awesome and somewhat frightening little “a-ha!” moment about God and his everywhere-ness.  It happened while I was serving Lew (husband) by doing something deeply personal and intimate (I think you can guess) that he deeply desires and loves. 

While I was busy serving my hubby the Holy Spirit got a hold of me and whispered in my ear, “Your husband is well pleased with you, and so is your Heavenly Father.” 

Wow!  I never really stopped to think about it, but it’s true.  When the hubby and I are naked and unashamed, God is there.  When we’re naked and one of us is ashamed (mostly me), He is there.  When I dive in and explore sex with abandon, He is there.  When I rationalize all the reasons not  to release myself to sexual abandon, He is there. 

I’ve blogged previously about God’s whereabouts and that He’s always watching and always with us, but this dimension adds a bit more depth to my understanding of exactly how involved God is in our lives. 

Everything I do and every excuse I have, God is either pleased or displeased with me. 

What about you?  Is God please with the details of your life?  Your marriage?  Your thoughts and excuses? 

Does He like the level of intimacy you’ve built with your husband? 

If not, what are you going to do about it?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I Should Have Let Him Know Me

I was a gate keeper.  I was never a refuser.  There is a difference.  A refuser says no to sex.  A gate keeper says yes to sex but no to anything new.  I was a gate keeper. 

It almost destroyed me when I discovered the truth.  I was devastated because I realized what I was missing out on, and because I realized it was too late.  My first husband had died having never experienced the pleasures of sexual fulfillment. 

Yes, we would make love often, and yes it was satisfying.  But it wasn't fulfilling for him.  I said no to some requests that, as I look back on it, should have been no big deal for me.  He asked, begged, pleaded for it.  I debated him and kept that gate closed for a long time. 

Then he died suddenly, never having been granted the closeness, the oneness, the intimacy he so desperately needed from me. 

I will not do that to my new husband, Lew.  He will know me and I will know him.  I will get to know and accept him intellectually, spiritually, socially, and sexually in every way possible. 

The Bible says we should be one flesh.  That means I should know every crease in his mind and body the same way I know my own, and he likewise should know mine.  How am I supposed to do that if I won't even look closely at him? (ALL OF HIM)  How is he supposed to know me when I shudder every time he shows interest in looking at (all of) me closely?  Touching and kissing me intimately?

Why would I keep that gate closed?  Does it glorify God to disallow my husband (whom I am instructed to reverence and submit to) access to my body so he can know me?  Is it a good thing to say no to touching and kissing him intimately? 

My first husband never asked me to do anything that would cause me physical harm, and yet I was a gate keeper to all things sexual.  I wouldn't let him get away with his "perverted little acts."  Funny, it turned out he was right and I was in sin.  It wasn't perverted - it was intimate.  I should have known him more the way he needed.  I should have let him know me.

It's time we realize that God celebrates with us when we allow ourselves to relinquish the keys to the gate and allow ourselves and our husbands full access to each other with all five senses..  Naked and unashamed.
I will not be the one responsible for our one flesh union asunder.

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:6)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Grow Up already!!

If God called you to do something new, something different, would you do it for Him?  Many of you immediately answered "yes."  That's a good answer, but are you sure you would do it?  If you're like me you'll say "yes, some day I'll do that for you."  Then you'll never get around to doing it.

I fought that battle with my first husband.  He was a good man.  I struggle with things he was asking me to do.  I would say "yes, I will do that, but first I want to do (A), (B), and (C).  Then I'll do that for you.  He died having never had the gift of me giving my full self to him.  I have many regrets about that.

Now I'm married to another wonderful man who loves me and my girls and to whom I also promise things ... someday.  I'm finding myself falling back into the comfortable routine again.  A routine that centers around me and what I want rather than a routine of serving my husband, and therefore serving God.

God has commanded wives to submit to their husbands as to the Lord.  This means when my husband asks for something, whether it be another scoop of potatoes, help with taking out the garbage, or something he craves from you in the bedroom (as long as it is not illegal), I am to submit to his request as if God Himself asked me to do it.  If I wouldn't say "no" to God, then I shouldn't say "no" to Lew (husband).

I'm not saying this thinking comes naturally, nor is it easy.  Quite the contrary.  Transforming a lifetime of selfishness into an attitude of submission is hard.  It's uncomfortable.  It will cause stress.  But it is what God expects of wives. 

We are to be our husbands' help-meets.  How can I possibly expect my husband to resist temptation when I am making certain that he is unsatisfied with me?  Someday I'll be ready and willing to do that for you.  or When you've done this and that I'll do that other thingWould I ever dare to talk to God that way? 

I would like to say I wouldn't but the truth is that whenever I lead my husband on, telling him that someday I'll do the things he asks when I know in my heart I have no intention of doing them,  I have in fact been deceitful to him as to the Lord.   
When Lew stopped initiating sexual intimacy with me, I didn't know what the problem was.  I found out the problem was me.  It wasn't that we never made love, it's just that it was always the same.  We had built a routine, and as many ways as Lew (husband) asked for something else, I had just as many ways of putting him off until he stopped asking altogether. He said "I figure it's pointless to keep asking.  I'm never going to get it anyway."

Just like God will leave a sinner wallowing in his/her sin, so my husband left me wallowing in my decision to stay comfortable and not give him something that he so desperately desired.  We have started to work through it, but I have to tell you it isn't easy.  I'm stretching my comfort zones and he is still very reluctant to make any requests.

I know some of you have done this to your husbands too.  You've put off doing that certain something for him and now he won't ask for it anymore.  It doesn't mean he isn't desperate for it.  It just means he has resigned himself to the fact that you aren't going to be his helper.  He will find other ways to fill the void that would otherwise have been filled by you.  Maybe he will start a new hobby.  Maybe he'll discover video games or pornography.  Maybe he'll seek gratification elsewhere.

If this sounds like you, then I pray that you see the destruction this is causing to your husband and to your marriage, and that God will help you take the first step, second step, third step, and so on to get over yourself and grow up already.  Your husband needs a help-meet in all areas of his life.  You are it.

I'm finally starting to grow up and act like my husband wife.  Won't you do the same?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Good Wife?

Am I a good wife?  That's a great question.  It's one I've been asking myself lately. 

Do I build up my house, or do I tear it down?

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. (Proverbs 14:1)
I'm not always a wise woman. I'm disagreeable.  I complain and argue.  I pluck my house down one complaint at a time.

I should love my husband and submit to him (build up my house), but often I find myself selfishly clinging to what I want instead of giving my all to my husband (pluck down my house).   

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. (Ephesians 5:22)
Lew tries very hard to lead me as he feels led by the Lord. He has been given a vision for our marriage, our intimacy, our oneness.  Sometimes I submit and sometimes I rebel.

Why? Because I want what I want.  I do not want what he is asking of me.  This happens more often than I want to admit.  I give him not what he is asking of me, but only as much as I want to give. Did I mention that I am a selfish woman?

  • I'm selfish about my house.  I want it a certain way.  I place it above people sometimes.
  • I'm selfish about my time.  When I'm reading I refuse to be interrupted, even if the children are on fire.
  • I'm selfish about my body.  I don't give my husband what he needs and desires in the bedroom.  I only give him what I want him to have.

My prayer is that God will continue to work in me to change my selfish heart and help me step outside my comfortable little world into the world of serving and giving to my husband.  I pray daily that He will help me understand that my husband has been given a vision for our marriage and that if I don't follow him we won't enjoy God's best for our marriage.

Take a moment, wives, and consider the vision your husband has been given for your family.  Would it be so bad to obey God by submitting to your husband's authority? Wouldn't it be better to work through your objections and get over them?  Wouldn't it be a good idea to be the wife your husband needs?