Friday, October 29, 2010

I Blew It!

I really blew it.  I'm sure by now you're thinking I am this wonderful, submissive wife who would never, ever go against her husband.


Finances are somewhat tight for us right now, and I understand that. However, there is always a little part of me that wants to have prettier and prettier things around the house.  Nothing extravagant mind you, but a nicer table cloth here, a prettier set of curtains there, you know, little things.

Lew finds the materialism unnecessary, and I can certainly understand his viewpoint, but sometimes I see a new lamp and I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I just GOTTA HAVE IT!  Know what I mean?

Well, we were antiquing last weekend, and I found a desk that I just HAD to have.  It was much more expensive than our budget could handle and Lew told me so, but I wouldn't let up.  Anyway, there were some other people from our church at the antique shop, and I just happened to mention the much-too-expensive desk to them. 

Long story short, they sort of shamed him into buying me my prize. 

Trouble is that it really was much too expensive, so we had to make a lot of adjustments over the following week to make up the difference.

One adjustment we had to make was Lew's birthday dinner.  You see, every year, we treat each other to a very nice dinner out to celebrate our birthdays.  Lew likes a little bistro in the next town.  It's pricey, but the food is extraordinary.  Anyway, when I asked him where he would like to have his birthday dinner, he told me he would like to stay home this year and have my homemade lasagna.  When I pressed him about why he wanted to forgo our tradition, he kissed me  and told me that, this year he would rather have my lasagna than any other meal on earth.

Well, his birthday came and I was preparing my famous lasagna.  Then it hit me.  Of course!  The desk!  He decided to have dinner at home this year because we couldn't afford his birthday dinner ... because I embarrassed and shamed him into buying me that stupid desk. 

Lew, being the loving husband, showed me grace by making sacrifices so that I could have something I wanted.  He did so freely without complaint.  I blew it and I knew it.

The desk will be on Ebay tomorrow.

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