Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Does He Rejoice In Me?

"Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth." (Proverbs 5:18)

In this verse the author is addressing husbands.  It's sort of a charge to be happy with the woman they married.  Every time I read it I stop and think, Is Lew (husband) happy with the woman he married?  Does he "rejoice" in me?  Do I give him something to rejoice about?

I know complacency sneaks into every marriage at some point.  Lew and I have gotten to the point where we are comfortable.  "Comfortable" in the sense that he knows where the limits are, and so do I.  But is that really the way our marriage should be?  Should my husband be "comfortable" or should he be rejoicing?  

As I take a good, honest look at myself, I can see that I have not been an easy woman for my husband to live with.  Most days I complain more than I compliment, I scowl more than I smile, and I say no more than I say yes.  Am I the sort of person who will cause my husband to rejoice? Oh, goody. She's complaining about everything ... again. How joyous.

When Lew and I got married, I promised myself I would not be the same kind of woman I was during my first marriage.  I was going to be different.  I would be more giving, more open, more sexual, more accepting.  What I have become instead is more of the same.


I want to be the wife of my husband's dreams.  I want him to rejoice every time he sees me.  I want to be blessed in the knowledge that he is happy he married me.